How to find and add media to your iTunes library with
Monthly Archives: June 2005
DIY podcasting PHP script
Php script for sharing mp3’s. No need to learn RSS, no need to blog. Link via Make: Blog.
Audible does Podcasts – the complete guide (and HOW TO)
Audible podcasting how-to via Make: Blog.
It’s a great time to be an entrepreneur
“It’s a great time to be an entrepreneur” So time to get off our asses and make something happen!!!
Creative Commons Animation
Nice animation quicktime video explaining CC.
How To Publish Your Podcast to the iTMS
Here is another how to on publishing your podcasts in iTunes Music Store.
Steve Jobs Podcasting Interview
Or if you subscribe to the ABC news Podcast, check your iPodder app.
How to publish a podcast on iTunes
Here is a link to a PDF document on how to publish a podcast on iTunes.
Apple Podcasting Link
Apple Podcasting Tutorial
Apple just released a tutorial on how to record your first podcast with Garage Band.