Would the real Alan Smithee please stand up?

So I just learned an interesting tidbit on IMDB while reading the MacGyver trivia.

Alan Smithee is a common pseudonym for directors whose film was clearly taken away from her/him and recut heavily against her/his wishes in ways that completely altered the film.”

According to IMDB on MacGyver, “There were a number of episodes directed by Alan Smithee, a pseudonym commonly used by directors who don’t want their real names associated with a project.”

Basically a director can appeal to the Director’s Guild and if successful their name is replaced with Alan Smithee.


Edgeio is looking to be a the next e-bay or craigslist…. blog style. Very interesting, I recommend you check it out.

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Looking For Something to do?

Looking for something to do this weekend? Or any weekend for that matter. One of my new favorite sites is upcoming.org.

“Upcoming.org is a global event calendar, where all the events are added by the community.

Some things you can do with Upcoming.org:

* Use the site to keep track of your own events
* Share events with friends and family
* Find out what events your friends are going to
* Find interesting events in your area

And, if you have your own website, you can display your own calendar on your site and help your readers discover events they might enjoy. “

Flash Drive Woes

I just got a new 1gb flash drive and was having problems with performance, I was like WTF? After a bit of research it looks to be a bunch of different problems. They use fat32 for optimal compatibility and ease of removal. All this goes away if you convert to NTFS, but you have to go into the device manager and change the drive properties optimize for best performance.
