I’m getting out of the “Echo Chamber”…

Unless it is absolutely necessary.  Chris Pirillo’s post titled “10 ways to Eliminate the echo Chamber”.

I’m taking Chris Pirillo’s advice, and i’m not going to check my feed reader for one week.

During this week, i’m going to blog every day at least once about an Idea that is original and not being talked about in the blogosphere, or at least that I know of because i’m not seeing my feeds :)  You can call me out if I post about what some other blogger is saying.  I’m done talking about
[tags]Echo chamber, original, thinking, writing[/tags]

Windows Live Writer Beta Released

It has been in the rumor mill for quite while that Microsoft was going to release a blog publishing tool. Well they did it and released “Windows Live Writer” I thought it was going to be more of an integration into office rather than a stand alone blog publishing tool.

So far it looks decent, but I will reserve more critical judgements until I have posted more with it. This will be my first post using this tool and I am going to try and use it for 10-15 posts then write a review of my experiences detailing the the input, output, tagging, multimedia, & wordpress integration.

**update** if you want a more detailed commentary, check out Om Malik’s blog post regarding this.[tags]Microsoft, Windows Live Writer, Blogs, blog tools, blog publishing [/tags]