Just upgraded to WP 1.5. Broke permalinks. I may have f-ed up my installation. Problem was I untarred the file in the same parent dir as word pres and over wrote the old installation without backing up first. I assumed a dir called wordpress-1_5 or something like that would be created instead it just sent everything to word press. Argh!!!!!!!!!!! I so know better too.
**Update, looks like I fixed my permalinks, was only a .htaccess file. Still probably hosed my customizations on the main page. Not a big deal, that can be recreated, I do have an older backup of those files, so all may not be lost. Ever just have that oh shit feeling? It doesn’t feel good. It really is time for me to setup some automated backups with dumping my MySQL database and syncing everthing offsite with rsync. Not tonight though, I have a poker game.
-Jeff “your dumb admin”