Podcaster’s April Fools Day tip

Don’t forget tommorow is April first and be sceptical what you believe online tommorow. I’m sure there are going to be some great April’s fools day podcasts and vlogs and am actually looking forward to them.

*update* Well it’s tommorow and I just looked at the clock and it’s the 31st. Guess it’s friday. Guess I should have checked the calendar before I posted this one.


New Theme

Well i’m playing with new themes, you may see a few different themes over the next couple a days. Not sure if I like this one yet. I was sick of the kubrick theme. Time for a change.



Crossfader just launched. It’s a website for Electronic musicians, but that is not to say that podcasters can’t use their tutorials. Looks like they have a bunch of info about setups, studio design, equipment, etc…
