Update – Looks like I posted some mis-information. Payloadz is not affiliated or owned by e-bay or paypal. I guess I just made an assumption. Thank, Alan Joyce from EverythingDigital.org for the the correction.
Want to sell your digital warez yourself? Paypal has a new service called Payloadz that will assist you in that. This seems like a great service for people that want to sell their digital goods, whether it be music, ebooks, video, etc, and don’t want to go through the hassle of setting up their own store.
I’m not so sure it’s Paypal’s service. It’s Paypal certified, but judging by the disclaimer on the bottom of their page, they’re not affiliated with PayPal/eBay. Looks like a nice service though.
Alan, good catch. I’ll have to update the post. Long time no talk, good to see your still reading.