Joost Token Giveaway

Joost OverlayI would like to thank everyone that e-mailed me regarding the Joost token giveaway. I just want to say don’t give up trying to get a Joost account. The response has been an overwhelming success that I will be doing another Joost token giveaway as soon as receive more tokens. So everybody still looking for a Joost account, add me to your feed reader and keep a watch out for more tokens. ๐Ÿ™‚

[tags]Joost, iptv, Joost Tokens, online video, p2p video[/tags]

42 thoughts on “Joost Token Giveaway

  1. Currently I have no more tokens. I will be giving some away when I get more. With the amount of requests I have I will have to be fair and do some sort of contest or something when I get more.

  2. The next time you get tokens could you give it to me… ever since december (I just missed the invites-without-a-friend) i have found out about Joost and it was a few days too late. If you need my name or more information just tell me and i will send it in an e-mail. Thx

  3. I love tech!!

    I love TV!!

    Gimmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pleezzzzzze!!!

    If you do you’ll be entered in my own contest creation:

    “Get seven free ‘Thanx for the token emails!’free!!”

  4. Hi,

    Can you please consider me for the next Joost token giveaway? I have been trying to obtain one for way too long.
    I will make an awesome Joost tester. I’m in China (not knowing Chinese) and miss English programming like no other.
    Help me out please!!!!


  5. Requesting tokens ๐Ÿ˜› really wanna give this program a try, so consider me plz ๐Ÿ˜€

  6. I heard they were giving invites out today but they didn’t. My friend has Joost but he just got and and was expecting these invites so he can give it to his family and I guess they didn’t give them…I hope you have a token reserved for me lol

  7. Hey, this is my most popular post to date. Well i’ll have to figure out how i’m going to give out Joost Tokens when I get more. I will be doing a contest of some sorts in order to be fair, I’d really hate to choose between all my readers who I am all grateful for.

  8. Jeff, I am very interested in a token when you get one. I have a side business installing media solutions and am in need of a token. Anything that you can do would be greaqtly appreciated. Thank you.

  9. yea i’d like to get one too. i need to know about this technology early and get in the game. i am an independent music label and would like to put my content up.

  10. I “think” I added a fake e-mail address on the first comment. Well, this one is correct! Just in case you would change your mind and like my tees store… But, wait did you check out my tees store? Here you go again:

  11. If you have any tokens, I would love one. One of my investments is up on Joost and I would love to see what they are doing on it.

  12. Yea… I heard from a friend who has joost, again, that they cancelled all invites and stuff because they had reached 1000 members and they didn’t need any more people… Too bad ๐Ÿ™ I guess I will wait until July when it comes out.

  13. Hey man id really appreciate it if you could give me one of your spare tokens when you have one becuase im a huge NHL fan. And I live in Hong Kong and they dont air any NHL games so my grandpa has to send me games all the way from florida which can take up to one week. So id really appreciate if I could get a token for the bet so I can be abble to watch the NHL playoffs

  14. Hi there, I would also appreciate if you’d consider me whenever you have a token to spare. Thanks!

  15. If anyone have one to spare I would gladly receive one.

    Thanx in advance.. joost[a]

  16. Hi !
    If possible, I would like to have an invitation to use joost. Really a great product that matches with new philosophy of Internet. Please, consider me as one of the future luky guys using it !

  17. Hey, would be really nice to get a token, too. Iร‚ยดm from Germany and would like to try it out. Thanks a lot!
    If anyone else reads this and would like to send one:

  18. Sup!
    Looking forward to trying out joost. Give me a shout when you receive more tokens!

    bleejkd( at )hotmail( dot )com


  19. just to complete the requests. I would also appreciate to have access to JOOST. Could someone email me a token to chele0815(at)hotmail(dot)com ?? Thank you so much in advance!


  20. I would also appreciate if youรขโ‚ฌโ„ขd consider me whenever you have a token to spare. Thanks!

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