Reboot, Refresh, and Rethink

RebootJeff Pulver just wrote an article titled “Empower the Imagination: A time for Companies to Reboot, Refresh and Rethink” and it got me thinking…Scary thought, eh.

His statement “Every once in a while I think it is good for everyone to do a Reboot, Refresh and Rethink.” made me think about where I am going with my life.

I have been working at the same place of employment for 8 years and can’t really go anywhere else at my current employer. I am also not very challenged in my job and it is really hard for them to get on board with new technologies and new media, much to my dismay. I keep pushing for them to do cool and exciting things but there is too much resistance against my forward thinking.

So now it is time for me to Reboot, Refresh, & Rethink. So I have a few questions I need to ask and answer for myself:

  • What am I doing?
  • Where am I going?
  • How am I going to get there?

I don’t have an answer to these questions yet, but I am going to do my damnedest to answer them and hold mself accountable to “How am I going to get there” question.

So I challenge all of my readers to Reboot, Refresh, & Rethink.

[tags]Jeff Pulver, refresh, inspiration, creativity, innovation, imagination, reflection[/tags]