So i’ve been tagged with a Meme called 8 Random things not once but 3 times this week by Eric Rice, Doug Meacham & Andy Bilodeau. A blog meme is kinda of like a game of tag in the blogging world, someone writes a blog post, they tag somebody, then that somebody which is me in this case has to write a blog post on that topic and tag other people. So now I have to write 8 random things about myself and tag 8 others with the meme. I actually wrote this post once already, but I forgot to save the post and it is gone forever. So now you get to read the new improved version 🙂 Lucky You!!! So here we go with 8 random things @me.
- I was a competitive swimmer from the ages 10 – 17.
- I spent 4 years active duty in the U.S. Coast Guard from 1994-1998 & 2.5 years in the reserves from 1998-2001 (stationed in Cape May, NJ Port Huron, MI Petaluma, CA Keokuk, IA Chicago, IL) Yes you read that correctly, I was in the Coast Guard in Iowa!!!
- I worked as a Lifeguard from age 15-18
- I have been a linux user and advocate since 1997, can’t believe it’s been 10yrs.
- I married a one night stand who has turned in to most wonderful wife a man could ask for (met 11 years ago 5 on the marriage & counting). Actually it was her idea i write this, she’s funny like that and why i love her 🙂
- I have Worked for the same K-12 school district for 8 years in their IT department (8 yrs at a single job in this day and age is almost unheard of).
- I play the guitar although not very well. It is great stress relief for me.
- I played trumpet in the high school marching band all 4 years of high school and also played trumpet during my time in Coast Guard boot camp for the boot camp band.
So now it is time for me to tag 8 other people, here you go guys, get writing!!! Clintus, TheFemGeek, Oblivion, Amanda Mooney, Mark Forman, Leah Jones, Jason, Bravegirl, Kroosh, Karrie Lyne. Ok, so I tagged 9 people 10 people, so sue me 🙂