I have been tagged by Cathleen Rittereiser to write a Bucket List for 2008. A bucket list comes from the movie of the same name starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman and their characters creating a list of what they want to accomplish with the time they have left in this world. We can thank Jeff Pulver for starting this meme.
My 2008 Bucket list:
- Launch Edmodo
- Travel more including taking my wife on a nice all-inclusive vacation (she deserves it)
- Meet more of my online friends, all of you are great.
- Give at least 3 presentations to overcome my fear of public speaking
- Deposit more than I take out into my social media bank account.
- Move the washer & dryer to the basement (this one is for my jenny 🙂
- Paint and decorate my home office.
- Get edmodo funded and quit my day job.
Now for me to tag people:
Daniel Patterson, Hooeyspewer, Merlene Paynter, Jennifer D. Jones, Steve Dembo, Jeff Lewis, Christine Taylor, Average Betty
BTW, all of you loyal readers are welcome to post your Bucket List here.