Rockstar’s Congressional Investigation

Why the fuck are my tax dollars being used to investigate bullshit like this. No one cares. It is harder to open up the code for Rockstar’s Hot Coffee Easter Egg than it is to get porn off the internet. What congress should be spending their money on is finding child pornographers, keeping terrorists out, and developing legislation that people give a fuck about. The govt. fucks us over day and day out, why do we take their shit. The federal government has become too big and powerful and there isn’t a fucking thing we can do about it. We can yell and scream all we want, but it just doesn’t matter, they will never change their ways. My political tirade is exactly just that, a tirade.

My little blog is getting a name change

Well i’ve decided my little blog here has evolved and “The iPodder Documentation Project” name does not really fit this blog anymore. Way back in October I started this blog/project and has evolved a little bit and is not just devoted to Podcasting/iPodder. I have not come up with a name yet but I hope to have a new name soon. I will keep you posted regarding the name change. You will also see some much needed improvements to site that i’m not going to divulge quite yet. I hope they are exciting for all my readers and hope you are all waiting in anticipation. These changes will all be for the better. One thing I can assure you is the domain and feeds will stay the same.

Discovery Launched

10:39am ET. Space Shuttle Discovery has launched, it has been a long time since i’ve watched a launch live.

10:45am ET. Looks like it they are goiing to to make it to space with out any complications. It is amazing at how many cameras they have on the shuttle. The camera angle from the top of the Liquid tank looking at the underside of the shuttle is truly an amazing view.

10:46: Stream cut of!!!! argh!!!
10:47: Stream choppy, argh!!! I’m guessing MSNBC’s servers are getting pretty beat up right now.
10:49: Shuttle has separated from tank successfully.
10:50: Looks like video has been lost with the tank and will probably be burning up very shortly.
10:54: Ok, now i’m leaving, now they are just analyzing and speculating and talking about the last shuttle disaster. And have had enough of old media. Do they think this is what us as viewers want from the news. Had enough. Now i’m going to see if there are any Vloggers covering the launch. I will keep you posted if I find some good blog/vlog/podcasting posts and link them here.