
Posts will be extremely light the next 2 weeks as I’m leaving for vacation tommorow.  I’m going to try and post a bit from the road and maybe post some pictures of my trip.  This will all be time and net access permitting.

Boy do I need this vacation.

[tags]Vacation, North Carolina, Asheville, Carolina Beach, Fayetteville, Relaxation, Rest, Wilmington[/tags]

Remove the barriers to reaching your goal

I just read a great blog post on I will Teach you to be Rich talking about barriers being your enemy to getting things done and reaching your goal. Barriers can be something physical or mental. It is up to you to determine what those barriers are and overcoming them.

My biggest barrier to manifesting my goals is procrastination. The internet is probably my biggest item in procrastination, but it is also where I do all my research to accomplish things. I certainly can’t shut the internet off completely as I need it to do my job and my goals are internet based. But I can certainly shut off the internet for periods of time to actually get some real work done in helping myself manifest my goals. Maybe I should take an hour offline for every hour that i’m on… Do you think that is reasonable?

What are your barriers to achieving your goals? Isn’t it about time you started removing them today?

[tags]gtd, lifehack, goals, small business, barriers[/tags]

Get more out of your DV Cam

Izzy Video is a videoblog  that teaches you how to take better Digital Video.  Very  nice vlog that  teaches you how to get more out of that DV cam that is collecting dust in your closet.

[tags]vlog, digital video, dv, dvcam, video blog, video, howto[/tags]

Barcamp Chicago

I just checked the Barcamp Chicago website and it looks like they finally found a venue and a date.  Chicagoan’s: keep july 15th and 16th free.  Venue:  648 W. Randolf St., Chicago IL.

I will definately be there and can’t wait to hook up with some like minded techies and entrepreneur’s.  It is great that someone is organizing a Barcamp in Chicago, as we in the midwest tend to miss out on events like this as they tend to happen in Silicon Valley.

[tags]Chicago, Barcamp, Barcamp Chicago, Conference, un-conference[/tags]

New Macbook!!!

Just got my wife a new Macbook, and i’m loving it. I’m slightly jealous.

Not much else to report, been busy getting ready to leave for a 2 week vacation to North Carolina.


Ever feel like your being overextended?  Is your employer tasking you with too much?  I’ve been feeling a lot of this lately.  I run the webservers (linux & windows), I code, I design, produce video, fix desktops, feild e-mails all day long, secure servers and desktops, manage 3 firewalls, manage 20 part time webmasters.  I could go on….  The problem is
I am not a true expert in any of the areas.  I know enough in each area to get by and get the job done, but I never truly feel satisfied in any one area as I don’t feel I am doing any of my tasks to the best of my abilities.  Is it time for a new job?  I dunno.  I work in educational environment (k-12) for a rather large school district and are pretty flexible when it comes to hours and time off? Which is more important? satisfication with the tasks I do or satisfication in the flexibility and decent hours. Can I have both or am I just whining that I want my cake and eat it too.  Decisions…Decisions…

Lullabot Podcast

LullabotHey everyone, I know it’s been slow posting this week.  Sometimes life just gets in the way of blogging.

Well anyhow, the drupal content management system has been garnering quite a bit of steam lately.  Why you might ask?  Well drupal is infinately customizable and is powering high traffic websites such as The onion and The Twit Podcast.  Supposedly MTV UK is getting ready to switch drupal on.

Did I mention that Drupal is free and open source?

If I have piqued your interest, you may want to head on over to Lullabot and check out their drupal podcast and listen to what all the hoopla is about.

[tags]drupal, lullabot, twit, mtv, CMS, Content Management, GPL, Open Source[/tags]

Vlog Chicago – my new pet project

So I just set up Vlog Chicago. I am aiming for this site to be a community driven site where people can submit interesting and compelling video about things related to chicago. Chuck Olsen’s Minnesota Stories is kind of the inspiration for this project. Hopefully it takes off. There is still a lot to do, such as getting the wordpress theme done and posting the first video.

[tags]Vlog, Chicago, Chuck Olsen, Minnesota Stories, Video Blog, Chicago Vlog[/tags]

Rocketboom Math

Rocketboom is making $80,000 a week.  $80,000 * 52 = $4,160,000 in gross profits.

Insane!! So who’s wants to be the next Rocketboom.  I do!!!, I do!!!

[tags]rocketboom, vlog, video blog, podcast,[/tags]