If any of my readers have a Wii, add your Wii friend under the comments here.
My Wii friend code is:Â 3180 4666 8212 2237
[tags]wii, nintendo, wii friend code[/tags]
If any of my readers have a Wii, add your Wii friend under the comments here.
My Wii friend code is:Â 3180 4666 8212 2237
[tags]wii, nintendo, wii friend code[/tags]
Jeff is right, Wii is the most fun in gameing since my days of addiction with Intellivision. (yes I know, that ages me) Got lucky, was wondering through the mall after xmas, stopped in to Game Stop and YES they were in stock. Felt like I won the lottery. Bowling is a blast but man dose my should hurt. Even got my brothers family wanting one.
7925 2748 9404 4842 is my friend code. Jazzy is my friend name.
im going
Thanks, i’ll add you jasmine.
Hi, yeah my wii number is
4318 7767 2926 5754
Thanks, i’ll add you
BTW my friend name is Luke
Hey I will add those above me, please add mine.
Name: Debbie
ID: 2139 5944 7777 5740
Thanks a ton!
Name: Scottie
Code: 3421 5922 8665 4050
Ill add the ones above.
hi my friend name is Harv and my code is:0778 1963 1316 1670
PS:I have no wii friends so please register me!
BTW debbie,luke,scottie,Jazzy,
and Jeff please register me because I have registerd
my wii code is 1791 7135 6879 4605
harvey my wii code is 1791 7135 6879 4605
Thanks will 🙂