13 thoughts on “Add your Wii friend code here

  1. Jeff is right, Wii is the most fun in gameing since my days of addiction with Intellivision. (yes I know, that ages me) Got lucky, was wondering through the mall after xmas, stopped in to Game Stop and YES they were in stock. Felt like I won the lottery. Bowling is a blast but man dose my should hurt. Even got my brothers family wanting one.

  2. Hey I will add those above me, please add mine.

    Name: Debbie
    ID: 2139 5944 7777 5740

    Thanks a ton!


  3. hi my friend name is Harv and my code is:0778 1963 1316 1670

    PS:I have no wii friends so please register me!


  4. BTW debbie,luke,scottie,Jazzy,
    and Jeff please register me because I have registerd


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