The Tossers new album is anything but: Agony

The Tossers released their new album titled Agony on Tuesday and everybody should pick it up now!!!  Agony is their second album on their current label, Victory Records.

From Victory’s website:  “The Chicago White Sox aren’t the only icons to come out of the city’s South Side. For 15 years, the rambunctious Irish revelers known as the Tossers have seen their popularity grow, winning new fans with every joyous and boisterous live performance of their unique Celtic sound…”

What are you waiting for go buy it!!!

Disclosure:  The banjo player is a friend of mine.

Viva Las Vegas

Leaving for Las Vegas tomorrow.  I will have my Blackberry & laptop if anything interesting should arise or a work emergency occurs.  I’m going to try and avoid technology for the most part except for the occasional slot machine and ATM 🙂

See everybody  next week.

[tags]Las Vegas, Vacation, [/tags]

Joost Token Giveaway

Joost OverlayI would like to thank everyone that e-mailed me regarding the Joost token giveaway. I just want to say don’t give up trying to get a Joost account. The response has been an overwhelming success that I will be doing another Joost token giveaway as soon as receive more tokens. So everybody still looking for a Joost account, add me to your feed reader and keep a watch out for more tokens. 🙂

[tags]Joost, iptv, Joost Tokens, online video, p2p video[/tags]

Home Hacking

Ikea Hacker has a really cool post on creating a cool custom diffused lighting setup with a sheet and some boards from the hardware store.  I’ve been working on my house a bit lately and like cool home hacks.  If anybody has and really cool ones post them in the comments here and I’ll take a look.

[tags]ikea, hack, lighting, home hacks[/tags]