Chicago Twitter Meetup – June 7th, 2007

TwitterI will be hosting a Chicago Twitter Meetup June 7th, 2007 at Dave & Buster’s 1030 N. Clark Ave. Chicago, IL 60610 at 6:00pm until everybody decides to leave. I will post any updates for this event on this blog post. If you plan on attending this event, post a comment in this blog post or shoot me an e-mail. Don’t forget to follow me on twitter.

Also there will be a twitter party at the House of Blues on June 19th, 20007 hosted by Jeff Pulver & Chris Brogan.


[tags]Chicago, Twitter, Twitter Meetup, events, House of Blues, Jeff Pulver, Chris Brogan[/tags]

Photo of the day 5-31-07

I am creating a new goal for myself. I want to publish & post at least one photo each day to my blog. Here is my first Photo-of-the-day and hope you enjoy them. I took this photo in my gardens @ a week ago with my Nikon D40.



[tags]photo, photos, photography, dslr, nikon, d40, nikon d40[/tags]

Super Simple Screencasts for Free!

Screeencast-O-maticI just found out about a new site that allows you to make screencasts with extremely little effort called . I tested it out and any user should be able to create a screen cast in just few minutes with out installing any software on your computer. I have used expensive products like Camtasia Studio and let me tell you Screencast-O-Matic is much easier and will do almost everything the average screencaster could need. Let’s say you wanted to show someone where to find something in an application, just create a quick screencast in screencast-o-matic and e-mail them the link. Here is a screen cast I did while I was writing this blog post. Currently the screencast is available in Java if you host the video on screencast-o-matic’s servers, but you are able to export to a Quicktime .Mov file and upload it to your favorite video sharing service, ex. Youtube, Revver, What are you waiting for, go create some screencasts 🙂

[tags]video, online video, screencasts, screencast-o-matic, video on the net[/tags]

Zooomr Mark III launching shortly

Zooomr Mark IIIZooomr Mark III is launching sometime late this evening or early tomorrow morning. Zooomr is a photo sharing site similar to Flickr but they are trying to re-define the Stock Photography market. You can choose to sell your Photos and sell them between $1-1000 with 90% of the revenues going to you. This should really start the pricing wars in the stock photography market. I’ve never sold any photo’s but i’m almost certain that nobody is giving 90% to the photographer. I really hope this works out for Kristopher Tate & Thomas Hawk as they both deserve some success after putting their blood and sweat into Zooomr.

[tags]photos, zooomr, flickr, photography, stock photography, stock photos, geotagging,thomas hawk, Kristopher Tate[/tags]

I have Joost Invites!!

If you haven’t gotten your joost invite yet, post here or link here and you will get a joost invite.  You can also e-mail me too.

Hope you enjoy Joost.

[tags]Joost, Joost Invite, Joost Token, IPTV, Internet TV[/tags]